Apna ghar apni chat is the latest initiative taken by CM Punjab Mariyam Nawaz to provide houses to homeless persons in Pakistan. Apna ghar apni chat is one of the largest housing schemes introduced by any government. In this scheme, the government will help 50,000 families and give them 1.5 million rupees to build their houses in easy installments. However, only eligible citizens can apply for this scheme.
Check apni chat apna ghar scheme eligibility criteria

1. Residency
This scheme is only for the people living in Punjab province. So only those applications will be eligible whose residency address is Punjab Pakistan. Moreover, as this is phase 1 so Punjab govt is accepting the application of only bigger cities like Lahore, Faisalabad, Multan, Rawalpindi, and Sialkot
2. Income
This scheme is especially for the lower income families who can’t afford to build their own house so families having monthly income less than 60,000 are eligible to apply.
3. Land
The applicant must occupy 5 Marla urban lands or 10 Marla rural lands space. This will be the space where the government will build those houses.
4. House owners
Those who already own any house will not be eligible to apply.
To register and get benefits from the apna ghar apni chat scheme the applicants must follow these eligibility criteria set by government policymakers. Those who don’t follow eligibility criteria won’t get houses.
apni chat apna ghar registration 2024
This scheme was announced on 14th August 2024 and the registration for this scheme is started. Those who follow the eligibility criteria for this scheme can register for the apni chat apna ghar scheme by following the registration process. For registration,
· Access the official agac gov Punjab website
· Fill citizen registration form.
· Get the certificate.
· Agree to the eligibility terms on the certificate
· Attach all the required documents
· Review your application and click the submit button.
Required documents to attach
Here is the list of documents you are required to attach,
1. CNIC copies
2. Land ownership papers